Welcome our 2025 AAEOY Sponsors

To complete your company’s sponsorship and nomination, please follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the AAEOY Sponsorship Agreement Form (Due by May 15, 2025)
    Please complete the AAEOY Sponsorship Form and e-mail it to sponsorship@aaeoy.org and cc Dr. Changjian Feng at cfeng@unm.edu by May 15, 2025.
    Please make the check payable to AAEOY and send it to the following address:
    Hua Wang
    8500 Tierra Morena PL NE
    Albuquerque, NM 87122
    For Electronic Fund Transfer, please send to
    Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
    Swift code (International Wire): WFBIUS6S
    ACH Routing Number (Domestic Direct deposits & Electronic payments): 107002192
    Routing Number (Domestic wire transfers): 121000248
    Account number: 3136008178
    Beneficial Account Name: Association of Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists of NM
    ACES NM is a 501(c) (3) organization with Tax ID: 85-0392391
  1. Complete the AAEOY Award Nomination Package (Form and Supporting Documents) (Due by May 15, 2025)
    Please email the completed AAEOY Award Nomination Form and all supporting documents to
    nomination@aaeoy.org and cc Dr. Huining Kang at HuKang@salud.unm.edu by May 15, 2025. Please follow the requirements outlined below when preparing the nomination package:
     The AAEOY Award Nomination Form needs to be completed. The nominator is responsible for ensuring the nominee accepts the nomination and attends the award ceremony.
     Include typed copies of all supporting documents based on the selection criteria and requirements, save as PDF and submit them electronically.
     Include a half page nominee biographical profile to be published in the AAEOY award program.
     Include one 3”x 5” photograph (dressed professionally from head to shoulder) of each nominee in
    your nomination package. Photographs should be in PDF, TIF or JPG format with 600 dpi or better
     Include a Statement of Citation of Accomplishment.

3. Submit Your Company or Organization Information (Due by June 28, 2025)

Please submit the following company or organization information to sponsorship@aaeoy.org and cc Dr. Changjian Feng at cfeng@unm.edu by June 28, 2025:

  • Company profile and/or website address.
  • Company logo (PDF, TIF or JPG format, at 600 dpi or better).
  • A paragraph-long description of the company to be used for introduction during the ceremony.
  • A 2-minute maximum, high-resolution company profile video to be shown at the award ceremony.
  • Name/phone number/e-mail address of the company representative who is responsible for this submission.
  • If you have a company promotion page in the program book, please provide camera-ready artwork per the following specifications: Half Page Ad – Size 8” x 5” (No bleed) or Full-Page Ad – 8” x 10-1/2” (No bleed) Format: PDF, TIF or JPG (600 dpi or better resolution)

AAEOY Sponsorship Agreement Form

Please download the AAEOY Sponsorship Agreement Form.